Bolts can sometimes come loose and disappear into the unknown -- it happens. If a bolt goes missing and you received it within the past 30 days, submit a request and include your order number so we can coordinate sending it back for repairs.
If you've had your pen or pencil for over a month, replacement bolts can be ordered through our Spare Parts collection. Once the replacement bolt arrives, here's our guide on how to tighten loose bolts.
Available in 3 options:
- Titanium $5 (COMING SOON)
- Titanium Damascus $20
- Black DLC $10
Please note: The bolts for Bolt Action, Slim Bolt Actions, and Pencils are unique to that model so be sure to order the correct version.
Special bolts
For lost Limited or Seasonal Release bolts, submit a request and we'll do our best to replace it.
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